About Us

We meet as a full party on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 pm in the Sunflower Party Room at PrimeTime Grille, 2204 S Princeton Cir Dr Suite B, Ottawa, KS

Administrative Board

Chair: Darrell McCune
Vice Chair: Kenzie Singleton
Secretary: Judy Davis-Cole
Treasurer: Lynda Alderman
Past Chair: Lisa Jewell

Members at Large:

Carla Griffith, Eileen Spickler, Lori Hedges, Pamela Sahl, Roxanne Mettenburg, and Tom Rasch

Precinct Committee Persons

Ottawa Precinct 3: Eileen Spickler and Timothy Nesmith
Ottawa Precinct 7: Kim Conard and Darrell McCune
Ottawa Precinct 6: Kenzie Singleton
Harrison Township: Polly Shteamer and Scott Yeargain
Lincoln Township: Jonathan Stone
Richmond Township: Judy Hamblin and Jesse Hamblin
Greenwood Township: Monica Swartley
Ohio Township: Roxanne Mettenburg
Ottawa Township: Lynda Alderman